Alex Pearl

Alex's first novel 'Sleeping with the Blackbirds', a darkly humorous urban fantasy, written for children and young adults, was initially published by PenPress in 2011. It was longlisted by the Millennium Book Awards 2018 and selected by the Indie Author Project in 2019 for distribution to public libraries across the US and Canada. In 2014, his fictionalised account of the first British serviceman to be executed for cowardice during the First World War was published by Mardibooks in its anthology, 'The Clock Struck War'. In 2019, his psychological thriller, 'The Chair Man', which is set in London in 2005 following the terrorist attack on its public transport system, was published by Fizgig Press in 2020, and was a Finalist in the 2021 Wishing Shelf Book Awards. Alex lives in NW London with his wife and overindulged cat.He is quite possibly the only human being on this planet to have been inadvertently locked in a record shop on Christmas Eve.