Pinterest ad revenue forecasted to reach $4.2bn in 2025

WARC Media report reveals key platform insights

On 11 June, WARC Media released its Platform Insights report on Pinterest, looking at its investment, consumption and performance. According to the findings, Pinterest has recorded ‘its fastest rate of growth since 2021’ for both ad revenue and monthly active users (MAUs).

While Pinterest is often seen as a ‘smaller’ social media platform, its year-on-year ad revenue growth rate in Q1 was 23%, surpassed only by Meta and Amazon. Following its research, WARC Media now forecasts that Pinterest’s global ad revenue will reach $3.6 billion this year and $4.2 billion in 2025.

Source: WARC Media

In addition to this ad revenue growth, Pinterest’s monthly active users (MAUs) have surpassed 500 million for the first time. WARC Media reports that Gen Z is Pinterest’s largest demographic, accounting for 40% of all users.

The report further uncovered that more than half of the platform’s users (55%) view it as a ‘place to shop’, with users being three times more likely to save shoppable Collage pins than other formats on the platform.

WARC’s Celeste Huang, author of the report, commented:

For so long, Pinterest has been known for upper funnel discovery, where users look for inspiration. However, Pinterest has an audience with high commercial intent. Its advancements in shoppability and AI — alongside a focus on fulfilling users’ ‘multi-session journeys’ — has started to reap rewards, with moves into the performance space attracting additional investment. Among advertisers, trust in Pinterest’s sustainable growth and understanding of its competitive positioning are rising.

Featured image:  WARC Media