Virgin Atlantic’s Annabelle Cordelli and Lucky Generals’ Alice McGinn on air travel and evolving identities

We discuss how the brand is adapting to fit the cultural revolution in which we find ourselves


MediaCat Magazine Podcast
MediaCat Magazine Podcast
Virgin Atlantic's Annabelle Cordelli and Lucky Generals' Alice McGinn on air travel and evolving identities

For this latest MediaCat Magazine pod our Editor Mike Piggott spoke to Annabelle Cordelli, VP Global Marketing at Virgin Atlantic, and Alice McGinn, Strategy Partner at Lucky Generals — about Virgin’s new ‘see the world differently‘ brand platform.

Among other things they discussed current trends in air travel, evolving identities from the point of view of flight crew working for the airline, and also self expression in terms of Virgin Atlantic’s work with Open for Business highlighting the economic cost of queer discrimination in the Caribbean.

Featured image: Virgin Atlantic / See the world differently

Mike Piggott, Executive Editor at MediaCat Magazine

Mike is Exec. Editor at MediaCat Magazine. He joined in 2021, launched a podcast and monthly newsletter, and began creating weird and wonderful marketing and media industry content, on themes such as 'Leaving a Legacy' and 'Fame and Attention'. Before that he was Editor at The Marketing Society (2013-2021), where he created and launched a bi-monthly publication called Empower, which ran for 14 issues (2019-2021), and a successful podcast. He's also a street photographer and film and TV blogger, and once came second in a Creative Review competition to rewrite Trainspotting's famous 'choose life' speech. He's proud of that one.

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