TfL launches Abuse has Consequences campaign

It aims to combat verbal and physical violence against staff

Transport for London (TfL) has partnered with VCCP and Wavemaker UK to launch ‘Abuse has Consequences’: a new D/OOH campaign to tackle violence against TfL staff.

This campaign comes at a time when work-related violence is on the rise, with TfL uncovering a 5% increase in reports of verbal abuse and threats in 2023/2024 (10,493) compared to 2022/2023 (9,989). However, reports of physical violence incidents over the same period have decreased by 20%. Now, TfL hopes the new campaign will contribute to a further decrease.

Conducting research for TfL, The Smaller Boat found that highlighting the consequences of abuse is an effective message. For this reason, ‘Abuse has Consequences’ features visuals such as prison bars, handcuffs, and fines. Moreover, it recounts real-life incidents to show the consequences of abuse.

Miranda Leedham, Head of Customer Marketing and Behaviour Change at TfL, commented on the campaign in a press release:

‘TfL is committed to doing all we can to eradicate workplace violence and aggression and protect our colleagues in their roles. This new campaign takes a firmer, direct tone and aims to send a strong message to offenders that we do not tolerate any form of abuse towards our staff and we will push for the strongest penalties. This campaign is designed to aid the wider ongoing work across TfL to support our colleagues in tackling workplace violence and aggression.’

Featured image: Transport for London