Director Alexandre Moors with rapper Don Toliver in ‘Love Sick’

The short movie is presented by Amazon Music and airing on Friday

Award-winning Alexandre Moors — long experience in culture-defining music videos — has teamed up with rapper Don Toliver and Amazon Music to create Love Sick an episodic, Goodfellas-inspired short film.

The short movie — set in the disco 1970s and centered on Don Toliver as a womanizing cafe owner running some nefarious business behind the scenes — is a story of lust, humor, superstition and tragedy.

Love Sick is presented by Rotation, the hip-hop and R&B brand from Amazon Music, and is airing on Friday exclusively on Prime Video.

Hip hop is the world I feel most comfortable in, and it was exceptionally fun to build a narrative around this ‘70’s disco playground Don and his team had already envisioned. There was such a collaborative spirit to this project, and Rotation’s the perfect team for this film.

Alexandre Moors

Moors is known for his long career making dramatic, sultry, and narrative-forward music videos with high-profile musical artists like Miley Cyrus, Kendrick Lamar, and Juice WRLD. He’s currently working on a feature-length political satire film entitled Bobby Fox.

Featured image: Love Sick / Alexandre Moors, Don Toliver, Amazon Music