James Kirkham

CEO and Founder of ICONIC

James Kirkham is CEO and founder of ICONIC. Widely acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost industry speakers, James comes from a wide ranging career in social, digital, advertising, sports and music marketing. He was previously on the board at Defected Records as its Chief Business Officer. Before that, he was CBO at football media business COPA90, working with brands that included Uber, Budweiser, Nike and Pepsi. James had founded his own digital marketing agency Holler, when he was just 23. Holler was acquired by Publicis Group in 2010, after which he was appointed Global Head of Social and Mobile at Leo Burnett. ICONIC is a full service agency, and entertainment company which aims to give brands a unique insight into how they can harness the power of popular culture. In a new era of marketing, ICONIC underpins all processes with a network of creative cultural talent, and AI.