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Why B2B brands should embrace taglines

Iconic taglines like ‘Every little helps’ or ‘Because you’re worth it’ have made household names of brands Tesco and L’Oréal — and even become part of our everyday language. But in the world of B2B, taglines can seem like an afterthought, if they’re used at all. Why do so many B2B organisations fail to embrace taglines? I think it’s time they took advantage of this powerful branding tool.

More than just words

A tagline isn’t just a few words thrown together for the sake of it. At their best, taglines are a bridge between a brand and its audience, encapsulating a company’s essence and values in a way that sticks. For businesses, a strong tagline can make the difference between being instantly recognisable or quickly forgotten. Take ‘Finger lickin’ good’ or ‘Just do it’. These phrases aren’t just catchy, they’re part of their respective brand’s identity. They create an emotional connection with the consumer that a logo alone simply can’t.

Collaborate with your customers

Unlike the static symbol of a logo, customers can interact with and even take ownership of a tagline. I’ll never forget the time my 87-year-old grampy, a little lost in the family conversation, quipped, ‘I’m’. It became a running joke, and it was all because of the insurer’s catchy tagline. When a customer repeats your slogan, it brings your brand into their world, engaging them in a personal way and making your brand feel more familiar. For B2B companies, achieving this familiarity can build trust.

You’re speaking to people

Too often the importance of language gets lost in the shuffle of client-agency projects. Marketing strategies tend to prioritise data, results and products, but overlook the power of a memorable message.

In B2B, where relationships stem from trust and expertise, a well-crafted tagline can go a long way. IBM’s iconic ‘THINK’ slogan captured the company’s ethos in a single word — and it still resonates today, decades after it was first introduced. Business buyers are people, too — and people respond to emotion, creativity and fun. So why not take the time to develop a tagline that reflects your brand’s unique value?

Safe is forgettable

One of the biggest mistakes B2B companies make with taglines is playing it safe. Many are generic and lack the emotional appeal that makes them memorable. For example, Accenture launched ‘Let there be change’ in 2020. While it was a timely call to arms during the pandemic when demand for digital transformation skyrocketed, it didn’t stand out as particularly unique. Any consultancy could use the same phrase.

In contrast, some B2B companies have found success with more distinctive messaging. Digital transformation specialist UST’s tagline, ‘Together, we build for boundless impact’ feels more personal and aligned with the company’s mission of human-focused innovation.

What makes a good slogan?

A good tagline is built on real insight and speaks to human emotions and behaviours. Most importantly, it should feel relevant to the brand, revealing something about the company’s personality or values. B2B brands can be reluctant to take creative risks, but they risk something far greater when they don’t: failing to build a deeper connection with customers. 

Being bold can pay off — even when it’s not intentional. Take IBM’s unofficial yet iconic ‘No one ever got fired for buying IBM.’ While it was never an actual tagline, it gained so much traction in business circles that it might as well have been. It spoke directly to the mindset of cautious decision-makers, making IBM synonymous with reliability.

It goes to show, whether your brand is B2B or B2C, people will respond to words. The right tagline will stay in someone’s mind, making your business stand out in increasingly competitive markets.

Time to think differently

Why do so many B2B organisations shy away from taglines? Perhaps it’s the fear of going too far. But the reality is a well-crafted slogan can do wonders for customer connection and brand recognition.

If you’re a B2B company considering whether a tagline is worth the investment, it could be what helps to set you apart. Spend time finding the right words or, even better, hire a professional copywriter to bring your brand to life. A great tagline could turn your business from another name on a list to the first name that comes to mind.

As a well-known meerkat might say… ‘Simples.’

Featured image: Guido Coppa / Unsplash

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