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Ehrenberg-Bass Institute launch four-day learning experience

The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute unveiled their new four-day experience, How Brands Grow – for Executives. Led by world-renowned researchers, this exclusive knowledge development experience will equip participants with the tools they need to implement best-practice marketing techniques. Some of the Ehrenberg-Bass researchers leading this experience are Professor Byron Sharp, author of How Brands Grow and How Brands Grow 2, and Professor Jenni Romaniuk, author of Building Distinctive Brand Assets, Better Brand Health and How Brands Grow Part 2.

This four-day event will explore the strategies that lead to sustainable brand growth, the real-world value of various marketing tactics and how to secure marketing budgets. The experience will further delve into concepts such as Mental and Physical Availability, Distinctive Brand Assets and the Laws of Growth.

How Brands Grow – for Executives is designed for C-Suite marketing executives, business owners and aspiring leaders. The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute will host the event in Bordeaux, France (June 2024) and Boston, USA (September 2024).  

Those interested in participating can apply on The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute website.

Featured image: The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute

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