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Dentsu study reveals B2B buyer behaviour in 2024

Dentsu has published its fourth annual Superpowers Index: the largest study of B2B buying behaviour globally. The index comprises data from over 14,000 buyer interviews and covers more than 25,000 buying experiences. As such, it reveals the key drivers of buying decisions, how to improve the buyer journey and the business impact of experience.

According to a press release, the research uncovered that the number of brands considered during the buyer journey has risen by 62% since 2021; the average decision time has also increased by 54 days during the same period. The value of these ‘delayed B2B opportunities’ is estimated to be around $1.9 trillion.

The findings also show that brand building has become the number one priority for B2B buyers in 2024 (up from fifth in 2023). Furthermore, the index reveals that only about two in five businesses have felt ‘highly satisfied’ with the brand they chose to customise their offerings, showing no signs of improvement since 2022.

In addition to publishing the index, dentsu has announced the global expansion of its B2B Specialised Practice. As part of this expansion, dentsu B2B has launched speciality capabilities such as Marketing For Growth, Intelligent ABX, Brand to Demand Advertising, and Sales Enablement. Patrick Hounsell, President of dentsu B2B, commented on these new developments:

‘The Superpowers Index provides a framework for driving client growth by benchmarking performance across the 30 decision drivers, pinpointing improvement opportunities and measurement and gives a comprehensive look at the evolving landscape of B2B marketing year over year. The research allows us to target and refine our dentsu B2B capabilities to the needs of global clients across markets. Our goal is to provide B2B brands with the tools and insights they need to connect their marketing, IT, and sales efforts more effectively and these solutions represent a significant leap forward in our commitment to driving B2B success.’

Featured image: fauxels / Pexels

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