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Suno launches AI-generated love songs for Valentine’s Day

AI music creation platform Suno has partnered with design and innovation studio Feels Like, to unveil a global Valentine’s Day campaign where users can create custom songs to share with their loved ones.

Thanks to new AI models, the campaign introduces a new love language: a personal way to send love over the internet.

Upon entering the website, users are invited to a three-question quiz about their loved one. In return, they receive three custom songs tailored to their love story. The experience aims to create new ways for people to express love through music.

Keenan Freyberg, Co-Founder at Suno, says: ‘The experience is inspired by the age-old art of the mixtape. We partnered with Feels Like to design a simple, guided experience you can use to send a personalized song to a friend, a lover or a family member. A chance to say, “Hey, I made you something.” It’s a little whimsical and a lot of fun. Most importantly, it’s a reason for people to play and experience music in new ways, which is what we’re all about at Suno.

Thomas Buffet, Design Director at Feels Like, says ‘The site, as-is, is quite straightforward: 3 questions, you sign, and get a song in return. Without taking away from that simplicity, we wanted to make this mini-quiz format as delightful as possible and land somewhere between endearing, quaint, and polished. Like burning that first CD mixtape for a school crush.

Breaking on 6 February, the global campaign will run until 15 February, 2024.

Featured image: Sumo Valentine’s Day campaign

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